‘Create stillness and treasure moments’ is my phrase of the year (I couldn’t settle on a word), and while it’s not always easy to embrace, I think I’ll take this as an opportunity to lean into the intentions I set and be more present 💛

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Love your phrase, Sarah, and I agree that there are times that we can recommit to our word/phrase/intention throughout the year. What stand out moments of stillness and treasure have you had in the first half of the year?

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Love this! Do you get Holly Tucker’s emails - she had an interesting take. I have to slow down because I’m exhausted and the kids are around for 6 weeks bar a few half days childcare... there’s a juggle and a compromise and lots of guilt - it’s hard but in the moments in between it’s all very beautiful! ✨🍃

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I do but I hadn’t read it yet so thanks for the nudge. Eff the chickens made me laugh! Your description of slowing down is the reality of it and I know so many mums, as Holly describes, doing a huge juggling act for the summer. Those moments - they’re the glimmers that we can savour and relish, whatever else we have going on, right?

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Treanor

Fantastic blog post, Gabrielle, thank you. I've forwarded it to a fellow busy friend and will be pre-ordering 1% Wellness on payday. Congratulations on the book, business and Bailey's birthday!

Regarding blending dreams *and* reality this summer... on top of the kids and a puppy, I am in the thick of two massive, demanding client projects at the moment (well, four, if I include the two of my own... when they get a look-in!). If I'd have seen all I'd be doing this summer on paper beforehand, I'd have thought, 'uh-oh, overload incoming'... but weirdly, it's proving to be the opposite! I feel motivated, happy and alive. I'm acknowledging the value in pushing myself out of my comfort zone and when things get too much, I am finding that I *can* handle frustration/pressure in a positive way (for example, instead of whinging when I feel frustrated, like I used to, I now take myself off to the punchbag in the garage and pound it to heavy metal. It nips it in the bud within two songs). To my surprise, taking on two big projects at the same time has shown me that compartmentalising focus *is* possible, and this has been applied for fun and relaxation too: I *can* spend a day with the fam' knowing I've got a big week coming up, and not let it seep into our days off. Who knew?!

I think having blending down this summer is due to two things:

1. Last summer, life was quiet... too quiet, and although I thought I'd longed for that, it actually sapped my motivation and mood to the point of not even being bothered to work on my very favourite projects. Now I'm busy again, I appreciate it as a result of that blah experience.

2. When I embarked upon your Spacious course during that time of low motivation and mood, I took your teachings to heart and still work on them now. I feel these teachings have altered my disposition and mindset towards having a lot on.

There's a lot going on, a lot to think about, many challenges to face... and cheers to that, eh? Cheers to life not being stale! We've *got* this.

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Thank you so much for sharing the post! I love that you feel motivated, happy and alive 🙌 AND that you’re showing yourself you can make space to focus on all you want to focus on, without getting lost in frustration. Your learnings from last summer are so interesting, sounds like is never going to be stale for you! It’s lovely to read that you found Spacious helpful 😍

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Treanor

Thank you, Gabrielle. It's so liberating to know that just a shift in mindset can be so impactful. I'm so grateful for this education both during the course and on-going through the tools garnered, as well as your blog posts (and in the future, your book too, I have absolutely no doubt). This summer has been, and will continue to be, the best summer for a long time... all because I have a healthy mindset towards the work/relaxation balance now: the best of both worlds (and it's soooo easy to lose balance!). Thank you for all that you do. You're a legend! 🤗

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Ah, that’s fabulous 😊 I’d thank you by name but I’ve no idea what it is! 😂

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Treanor

Oh sorry, haha! My handle here was created a while ago in reference to Heather Havrilesky's book, 'How to be a Person in the World'. It's Rebecca from the Happy News. 🥰

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Oh hi, Rebecca! 👋😄

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I love the idea of your summer of fun, Gabrielle! And I like the idea of working through all the places you want to visit and things you want to do this summer.

For me, I'm having a summer of two halves. I'm in a period of slowness currently but in August the adventure begins as my husband and I take off to travel Europe for a few months. I'm embracing the slowness before the adventure begins 🙌🏻

Enjoy your week of celebration 💫

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Lyndsay, your European adventure sounds exciting! Sounds like going slow first will support you in your travels later.

There are places we’ve been meaning to go to for ages, I’m determined we’ll actually get there this year!

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Gabrielle, I enjoyed this. I like your reflection on what happens when you realize when you are in comparison mode. I struggle with this. Here’s a post I wrote on summer I thought you might like. https://pocketfulofprose.substack.com/p/the-endless-possibilities-of-summer

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Hi Mary, so glad you enjoyed my post and thanks for sharing yours – being determined to be in the fun whatever made me smile. Isn't it funny how humans can make fun and joy hard work? ;)

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